Hamm, Flick to Host Gun Law Seminars
April 26, 2023
HARRISBURG – Representatives Joe Hamm (R – Lycoming/Sullivan) and Jamie Flick (R – Lycoming/Union) will host two gun law seminars in May.
The dates and locations are:
• Woodward Township Volunteer Fire Company
4147 North Route 220 Highway, Linden, PA 17744
May 9, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
• Duboistown Fire Department
2661 Euclid Avenue, Duboistown, PA 17702
May 17, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
“I am excited to team up with Representative Flick and bring these gun law seminars to our area,” said Hamm. “I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and it is important for our law-abiding gun owners to learn more about Pennsylvania’s gun laws or even get a refresher on the information they already know.”
“As a life-long hunter and owner of a private shooting range, it is important to me to co-host these joint district gun safety seminars with Representative Hamm so that constituents in our area can learn more about current laws and licenses from local experts and law enforcement,” said Flick. “Additionally, these seminars are a great way to share gun-safety tips and practical information with fellow law-abiding gun owners and citizens.”
The events will focus on Pennsylvania’s Castle Doctrine and stand-your-ground laws, what to do during an active shooter situation, rules and regulations regarding licenses to carry firearms, safely interacting with police officers while carrying a firearm, and firearm-carry laws related to hunting season.
To register for a seminar, visit repjoehamm.com/events or repflick.com/events.
Representative Joe Hamm
84th Legislative District
Representative Jamie Flick
83rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jake Misal
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