About Jamie

State Rep. Jamie Flick represents the 83rd Legislative District, which includes parts of Lycoming County and two northern townships in Union County. During the 2023-24 Legislative Session, he will serve on the House Government Oversight, Children and Youth, Human Services and Tourism and Economic and Recreational Development Committees.

Rep. Flick brings his commonsense business practices and hard work ethic to Harrisburg to spend less, tax less, save more and grow the economy for his district by making the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania more attractive for businesses and working families.

Specifically, Rep. Flick believes in expanding our business opportunities and supporting our energy sector, limiting government overreach, and lowering taxes — especially property, death/inheritance and Pennsylvania’s exorbitant gas taxes. Additionally, he feels it is vitally important to strengthen mental health support and resources in our schools and communities, as well as supporting our military members, veterans and their families.

Rep. Flick is a proud father of six kids, two of whom enlisted to serve our country.

A graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Technology with a degree in software engineering, Rep. Flick founded Susquehanna Software, Incorporated, the No. 1 selling human services software provider in the Commonwealth. He also owns a real estate company and is part owner of the Sydney Blue Sox, a professional baseball team in Sydney, Australia.

Community service and volunteerism is incredibly important to Rep. Flick. For the last three decades, volunteering has shaped his life and contributed to his strong sense of community. Some of his volunteer roles include: mentor and advocate for foster children as a court appointed special advocate (CASA); Big Brothers/Big Sisters volunteer; American Cancer Society volunteer; team "uncle" and host for the Little League World Series; youth coach for baseball, football, basketball and soccer (25 years); Odyssey of the Mind coach; and former president, board member and volunteer of South Williamsport Little League (25 years).

Rep. Flick credits being raised on his family’s farm with instilling both a strong work ethic and moral principles. He believes we need to teach our young people, by our own example, what can happen when you combine a strong work ethic and American pride.


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