Flick Appointed to Committee Leadership Position
February 19, 2025
HARRISBURG – Rep. Jamie Flick (R-Lycoming/Union) announced today that House Children and Youth Committee Republican Chair Kate Klunk (R-York) appointed him to serve as the committee’s Republican secretary.
The House Children and Youth Committee oversees issues pertaining to Pennsylvania’s children. The committee plays a key role in shaping legislation related to maternal health, day care facilities, child pornography, juvenile justice, and working to prevent harm and abuse. The committee will hold hearings on issues like these across the Commonwealth, addressing the challenges faced by children and families, as well as those in need of state services and support.
As an advocate for improving young people’s futures, Flick’s experience in this realm includes:
• Being a court-appointed special advocate for kids in Lycoming and Union counties.
• Serving as a big brother in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program, an initiative for at-risk youth between the ages of 6-18 years old that focuses on helping children achieve success in school, mentoring them on avoiding risky behaviors such as getting into fights and trying drugs and alcohol, and improving their self-confidence.
• Coaching youth sports for 25 years.
• Hosting foreign exchange students.
• Assisting the Fresh Air Fund, a nonprofit youth development organization that provides transformative outdoor experiences, at no cost, for New York City children from underserved communities.
“I am grateful to be named to this wonderful position,” said Flick. “We share common ground in our willingness to collaborate in a bipartisan manner to ensure our children have a brighter future. I feel honored to be working alongside Chairwoman Klunk and my colleagues on how we can make a positive difference for the next generation.”
"As the Republican chair of the House Children and Youth Committee, I am proud to name my friend and colleague, Rep. Jamie Flick, as the committee's secretary," said Klunk. "Jamie has a diverse and longstanding history of working for children in Pennsylvania. I know he will be a great asset to the committee this session, and I am looking forward to working together for the benefit of our Commonwealth's children."
Representative Jamie Flick
83rd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Nate Temple
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